This product is in high demand. Ships out in 2~3 weeks.
- An eXtra Large version of the FabX Pro - 270*270*300 cu mm Build Volume, re-engineered with industry class enhancements to handle larger prints & faster.
- Perfect as a Commercial Workhorse 3D Printer: Tested to run non-stop 24*7 without the need for breaks.
- Ideal for Architecture, Educational Institutions, Engineering, Health Care Applications etc where large prints are required.
- 50 μm - 350 μm / 0.05 mm - 0.35 mm layer height.
- High Power Silicone Heated Bed for quick pre-heats.
- Genuine E3D Lite6 HotEnd with Direct-Drive mechanism to print all types of materials.
- High Precision Industrial Rails for the XY Gantry.
- Active Triple Cooling for Enhanced Print Quality.
- MagFlex 2.0 for Easy Part Removal.
- Ships with Marlin 2.0.
- Supports PLA, ABS, PET-G, Flexible (TPE, TPU), Metal-filled Composites (Gold, Aluminium, Brass, Bronze, Copper), Woodfill and other PLA Composites.
- 12 Months Warranty and After Sales Support.
- Designed & Manufactured in India.
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